AVE Phoenix Sky
Phoenix, Arizona
Clayco served as the construction manager at risk for this redevelopment project, which included demolition and reconstruction of the main campus dining facility, several residence halls, student activity areas and logistical delivery docks for the kitchen and campus services.
The new construction embodied a European streetscape design with a pedestrian “spine” that was central to the planning of this redevelopment. This “spine” is a formal extension of the normal pathway that connects the South 40 residential campus with the academic campus to the north. The five-story residence halls are located on either side of this large, activity-focused walkway. The lower levels of these buildings house various cafes, shops, and other entertainment and retail venues that feature outdoor dining and seating areas. The remaining four stories of the buildings are used for student housing. The main kitchen and dining facility for the Washington University campus was reconstructed and serves the entire South 40 population.
Located above the commissary kitchen and loading dock area is a 7,500-square-foot green roof. This green roof provides a park-like atmosphere for students residing in the newly constructed buildings and separates the living areas from the kitchen areas below. With park benches, a future herb garden, and artistic vine towers, the green roof operates as a sanctuary for students. The green roof also added to the spirit of the facility.