University of Missouri – College Avenue Bridge

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Thanks to a new bridge over the University of Missouri-Columbia’s busy College Avenue, students now have a safer way to cross the road.

Thanks to a new bridge over the University of Missouri-Columbia’s busy College Avenue, students now have a safer way to cross the road. Clayco began construction in late 2003 on College Avenue Bridge, part of MU’s master plan to improve campus facilities and infrastructure.

Completed in time for the 2004/2005 school year, the bridge provides safe passage between Bingham Group Residence Halls and the Virginia Avenue Residence Halls and Dining Facility. When a 2001 study found that 69 percent of pedestrians did not use the designated crosswalk to cross College Avenue, the university looked for an alternative to the existing system. Increased traffic from the construction of new residence halls and a dining facility made the crosswalk issue even more urgent. By taking pedestrians over the busy street, the College Avenue Bridge makes travel safer for both pedestrians and drivers. Measuring 140-feet long and 17-feet wide, the pedestrian bridge is supported by concrete supports and steel trusses and features a concrete deck.

A pre-finished aluminum roof system and stainless steel metal panels provide protection from the elements during inclement weather. A smaller concrete bridge/tunnel leads to an outdoor amphitheater south of the Virginia Avenue Dining Hall. Clayco added retaining walls with a stone veneer and new access ramps. The contractor also replaced the existing access drives to Hatch and Schurz Residence Halls. Close proximity to over 3,000 students housed in adjoining areas required close coordination with faculty, staff and campus authorities.


University of Missouri – Columbia


Columbia, Missouri


140 ft long by 17 ft wide